Monday 9 May 2011

Presentational Ideas

3 weeks to go now...everything is set to plan.
Except how it's best to present the work...shelves? or Pins.
Going to give both a go and see which suits best. I feels pins would fit quite well with the theme but they are not the most practical.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Template Vector PSD

The Imperial, Book Trials

Hand Drawn Diagrams on the book Front.

Toby Paterson's interest in line, form and structure grew out of skate boarding around defunct concrete buildings. He works in a variety of forms, from large-scale architectural wall paintings and sculptural assemblages to small paintings on Perspex, informed by post-war architecture, the St Ives School of Modernists (in particular Victor Pasmore and Ben Nicholson) and the pragmatic approach of the British Constructivists. Paterson's understanding of architectural structures is heightened by his interest in skateboarding, experiencing cities and buildings as micro-spaces to navigate, viewed as a series of surfaces to isolate and present in his paintings. The examples of Modernist architecture Paterson references can be seen to be elevated to an iconic status translating complex motifs from the lost dreams of post-war modernism into an aesthetic and social enquiry

New Façade, 2003


first began their still-ongoing project of systematically photographing industrial structures – water towers, blast furnaces, gas tanks, mine heads, grain elevators and the like –in the late 1950s.
1 The seemingly objective and scientific character of their project was in part a polemical return to the 'straight' aesthetics and social themes of the 1920s and 1930s in response to the gooey and sentimental subjectivist photographic aesthetics that arose in the early post-war period.

Wednesday 30 March 2011


Toby Paterson is an artist recommended to me by an artist i met at Leeds Book Fair, She two worked heavily with structures and form within an architectural theme.

Toby Paterson also works with structures throughout his work, he is an up and coming artist whom i feel will do great things. His work is fresh and approaches architecture within art in a whole new way.

Toby Paterson's show Ever Growing Never Old at the Modern Institute, 2009.


My new Website, iv'e spent quite a while updating this I really hope you like the changes which iv'e made.

Artists Research

Brilliant time At Leeds Book Fair

Leeds Book Fair 2011
What a great thing to be involved in, lovely two days, met some really creatively exciting people. All in all a very successful trip.

Monday 28 February 2011

Drawings referencing Machinery used in the Cotton Mill Industry

Bik Van Der Pol

Really interested in the work of these two artists.
They have a really original way of re-recording information. Producing work which is spontaneous and has quite a playful feel.

Catching Some Air...Go check it out.

Tuesday 22 February 2011


Drawing Progress

Here is an image of a section of a card press machine used in the cotton making process.